At its session dated June 07, 2012, the National Corporate Governance Commission (NCGC),
under the terms and procedures as provided for in the Rules for calculating the index of the companies enjoying good corporate governance (the Rules) has taken a decision to amend the composition of the index for the following one-year period. As known, the CGIX comprises seven (7) issues of common shares compliant with the requirements of and determined under the procedures of the Rules for its calculating.
In accordance with Item 25 of the Rules, the amendment to the index’s base is effected on the grounds of a self-assessment card, duly approved by the NCGC and presenting in terms of a figure an overall score of the level of corporate governance of the company, as well as the level of compliance of its activities with the principles of the National Code. In compliance with Item 26 of the Rules, the self-assessment card is to be submitted to the Exchange within the time period provided for under Article 100n (1) of the POSA, i.e. within 90 days following the end of the calendar year.
In view of the facts above and after evaluation to what extent the results of the self-assessment card correspond to the actual implementation of the principles underlying the National Code by each company compliant with all requirements under the Rules, the NCGC has taken a decision for the following one-year period as of June 18, 2012, the index CGIX to comprise the following seven companies compliant with all requirements under the Rules:
- Enemona AD
- CB First Investment Bank AD
- CB Central Cooperative Bank AD
- Albena AD
- Bulgarian Stock Exchange-Sofia
- Stara Planina Hold AD
- Trace group Hold AD
source: NCGC