BSE-Sofia has published on its web-site an updated version of the Corporate Governance Self-Assessment Card (the Card), as adopted by the Corporate Governance National Committee.
The Card has been updated in pursuance with the last adopted amendments to the National Code for Corporate Governance (the National Code).
The public companies, which have declared commitment to the principles of the National Code, should fill in the Card and enclose it to the documents when publishing their 2016 audited annual report.
We would like to take the opportunity to remind all public companies that pursuant to Art. 100н, para. 7.1 of the Public Offering of Securities Act (POSA) the Declaration on Corporate Governance is an integral part of the Annual Management Report of each issuer of financial instruments. By Decision № 461-ККУ, dated 30.06.2016, the Deputy chairman of the FSC, managing Investment Activity Supervision Division, approved the NCGC as a corporate governance code pursuant to art. 100н, para. 7.1 in conjunction with para. 8.1 of the POSA.
The updated Self-Assessment Card is available at the Documents section.
source: NCGC